Accurate Returns

With the most up-to-date software and tax knowledge, we are able to get the most accurate return based on the information we are provided. Skeptical? Run it through popular online tax filing services to double check our work!

Fully Remote Service

Time is our most scarce resource, and everyone is feeling the effect of inflation right now. Our fully remote service will help you save time and cut down on costs by utilizing modern technology to its fullest.

Referral Discounts

We offer referral discounts, refer your friends for a discount on yours and their individual tax returns!

How it works

  1. Sign up for services below. Be sure to include any information about who referred you, if applicable.

  2. We will email you a link to Intuit’s secure server where you will go through a short questionnaire (usually takes around 5 minutes).

  3. Upload your tax documents with Intuit’s secure server. These can be PDF files, screenshots, or even pictures taken from your cell phone, as long as the information on the documents can be read. A list of required documents (other than tax documents) will be included in the above email for your reference.

  4. We will work on your tax filing usually within 24-48 hours.

  5. When our work is finished and your taxes are ready to be filed, you will receive an email allowing you to review your completed tax filing and Remote eSign it (similar to Docusign). If you have any questions about your return, please feel free to reach out via phone or email, or click the included link to schedule a remote meeting to discuss.

  6. Once your tax filing is signed you will receive an invoice via email that can be paid with credit card or ACH.

  7. Once your payment is received, your taxes will be eFiled within 1 business day.

  8. You’re done! The whole process on your end of things should usually take less than 30 minutes… So kick back, relax, and mark another tax year down as finished!

Sign up for Services